Outpost Toys has also re-stocked on designer games such as:
- Best Sellering Card games: Saboteur, Citadels, Munchkin (original, Fu, Booty, Star, Cthulhu, & expansions), Werewolves.
- Award Winning Strategy games: Settlers of Catan (base set, Cities & Knights, Traders & Barbarians, Starfarers), Carcassonne (base set & many expansions), Puerto Rico, Blokus
- Hardcore Gamer Fantasy & Sci-Fi games: World of Warcraft (boardgame & adventure game), Starcraft, Battlestar Galactica, Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy, A Game of Thrones
- Thematic Horror games: Castle Ravenloft, Arkham Horror (base set & expansions), Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Call of Cthulhu
- Money & Finance Games: Acquire, Monopoly
Best wishes for a Merry X'Mas and Happy New Year from the Outpost Group.